May 21, 1943
According to a ruling of the attorney general’s office at Jefferson City, Missouri’s new three day marriage law will become effective July 5. After that date all couples intending to be married in Missouri will have to apply three days in advance for a marriage license. Governor Forrest C. Donnell signed the bill April 6, making the bill effective 90 days after his signature. Atchison County is one of the Missouri counties which will be most affected by the new law, as it will put a brake on the many Iowa and Nebraska couples who come here to get married.
May 16, 1968
New look at the corner of Main Street and Highway 136 is the new Skelly station, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bunton. This station sets at the ideal location formerly occupied by the Husing Texaco Station and the Uce Krusor residence. This new modern concrete block structure consists of two bays and two sets of pumps. Harold Dean King, former operator of the D-X station across the street from the new station, has leased the station from the Buntons and will manage it. In the process of the turnover, Buntons have changed their own station on South Main Street from D-X to Skelly. Their tank wagon service will also carry Skelly products. Construction on the new station is to be finished Friday with the opening to be sometime next week. According to Mrs. Bunton the grand opening will be held in about two months.
May 13, 1993
The Rock Port Golf Team, under the direction of Coach Stew Cline, went undefeated for the first time in the history of Rock Port. They did so by beating the Maryville Spoofhounds 159-174 at home on Friday, May 7. The Blue Jays’ final record was 10-0. The individual results were: Mark Bennington, 38; Cory Scamman, 37; Jason Stephens, 45; Michael Phelps, 40; and Garrett Schomburg, 44.
Old Time Notes Atchison County Mail
May 15, 2018