The Watson Quilters met Thursday evening with Holly Holmes, Linda Viets, Anita Armstrong, Donna Whelan, Frances Nahkunst, Becky Mortimore, and Kay Gibson attending. A big thank you to the Northboro St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for their donation to the Watson Quilters.
It’s getting closer. The Watson Alumni Banquet is on May 26. We’ve had several reservations, but get yours in now. Call Jean at 660-744-2085 or Kay 660-744-5436. It’s Bingo Night, you could win a prize.
R & R
I’ve got rhythm, I’ve got rhythm. But for a little while last week, I didn’t. Yeah, the old ticker went out of rhythm. My engine light came on.
My new medication insists I eat NO grapefruit. Boy, that broke my heart.
My new medication says, “Report to Dr. any sudden weight losses.” If that happens, I’m not reporting it.
Yeah, take it easy and relax.
Is running my mouth considered a vigorous activity?
I always heard gardening was relaxing for older folks. So should I increase my garden from 4 acres to 5 acres?
Ok, I’ll slow down. Yeah, those pills will slow me down.
Watson News
May 15, 2018