The Commission met Thursday, April 26, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Present to provide the bridge summary report to the commission following this year’s inspection were Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer and the following representatives of the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT): Larry Jacobson, Resident Engineer; Scott Stephens, District Bridge Engineer; Randy Mendenhall, Asst. Director Bridge Engineer; Joseph Wagner, Construction Tech; and Lynn Anderson, Sr. Construction Inspector. The bridge department will take immediate action on all areas of concern. Bridge #2320008 was closed but will reopen with the repair of a wood intermediate cap. Bridge #4090013 was found to have some piling exposure due to heavy rains. This will be repaired as well. Once all repairs are completed they will be re-inspected by MoDOT. The full inspection report is on file in the Road & Bridge office.
Ben Aldrich with Murphy Tractor and Adam Meyer were present at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the purchase of an excavator and a grader. Supervisor Meyer reported that he was happy with the demonstration of the excavator. He recommended that the commission accept the state approved bid on both pieces of equipment. After discussion, North District Commissioner Quimby made a motion to purchase a 210 John Deere excavator at the state bid price of $206,975. South District Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion. There being none, a roll call vote to approve the purchase of the excavator was as follows: Quimby – yes, Burke – yes, Livengood – yes.
The next item of discussion was the purchase of a John Deere grader. Supervisor Meyer stated that the excavator and other pieces of equipment within his budget have been under his original budgeted amounts, freeing up additional funds to add a grader this year. After reviewing the budget, the commission agreed. South District Commission Burke made a motion to accept the state bid cost of $244,846.46 and purchase a 672 John Deere grader. The motion was seconded by North District Commissioner Quimby. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion. There being none, a roll call vote to approve the purchase of the grader was as follows: Quimby – yes, Burke – yes, Livengood – yes.
Prosecuting Attorney Brett Hurst was present to review a contract between Wagstaff & Cartmell LLP Law Offices of Kansas City and the county. The contract is for representation of the interests of Atchison County in opioid litigation. After discussion and confirmation by Attorney Hurst that it would not cost the county anything to be a part of the litigation and that his office would take care of the research, if any was needed, to provide information related to the litigation. North District Commissioner Quimby made a motion to enter into the agreement with Wagstaff & Cartmell LLP. South District Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion. There being none, a roll call vote to approve the signing of the agreement was as follows: Quimby – yes, Burke – yes, Livengood – yes. The agreement was presented to Attorney Hurst for final signatures and will be returned upon completion.
Clerk Taylor presented a new security policy for Windows 7 Professional that will be implemented in all offices immediately. After review and discussion, North District Commissioner Quimby made a motion adopt the policy as presented. South District Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion. There being none, a roll call vote to approve and adopt the security policy was as follows: Quimby – yes, Burke – yes, Livengood – yes. Clerk Taylor will forward a copy to all county offices.
Clerk Taylor presented 2018 Form 40 (Statement of Railroad and Utility Property) and corresponding Schedule 13 forms from utility companies located within the county. The commission approved the miles as reported in accordance with Section 151.040 RSMo. Clerk Taylor will certify the form and submit it to the State Tax Commission.
There being no further business, the commission adjourned.
The Commission met Tuesday, May 1, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
The commission was notified that HB 2634 was scheduled for a hearing before members of the Special Committee on Innovation and Technology in Jefferson City on Wednesday, May 2. This bill would place a one year moratorium on wind energy in the State of Missouri and stop all economic wind growth for Atchison County. The commission made contacts, drafted letters and prepared to travel to Jefferson City and testify in opposition of the bill.
Baruth Services submitted the only bid to push mow the bank on the south side of the courthouse, in the amount of $30 per mowing. North District Commissioner Quimby made a motion to accept the bid. Motion was seconded by South District Commissioner Burke. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for further discussion. There being none, a roll call vote to accept the bid was as follows: Quimby – yes, Burke – yes, and Livengood – yes.
There being no further business, the commission adjourned.
The Commission met Thursday, May 3, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
The commissioners, Clerk Taylor, Kristi McEnaney, ACDC Director Monica Bailey, and Steve Klute traveled to Jefferson City on Wednesday to testify in opposition of HB 2634.
Month-end reports were reviewed and approved.
W.C. Farmer was in to visit with the commission about the hearing in Jefferson City.
There being no further business, the commission adjourned.
The Commission did not meet Tuesday, May 8, 2018, due to Truman’s Birthday.
The Commission met Thursday, May 10, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission was attending annual election training at the Urban Board Conference.
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Department monthly reports were reviewed and approved.
Rod Meinders and Tammy Gibson with the Village of Watson were present to discuss concerns with the Commission. Sheriff Martin was present for the discussion. They had concerns about residents who are licensing their vehicles in Iowa to avoid taxes. Sheriff Martin stated that if they own property in Iowa it is legal. Other concerns were drainage taxes and how they are assessed. This is not done at the county level but by the districts. Information is given to the collector who places the tax on the tax statement and collects the revenue and distributes it to the districts.
Sheriff Martin reported that his department no longer needs the 2005 Crown Victoria and wanted to know what the commission would like to do with it. They will discuss the procedure to sell with Clerk Taylor.
Sheriff Martin also discussed the implementation of the Sheep Dog Program in all three schools, where an officer will attend field trips with the students. Questions on funding the program were discussed but no plans were made at this time.
The Commission was notified by Representative Allen Andrews that moratorium language on wind farms was removed from HB 2634.
There being no further business, the commission adjourned.