June 10, 1993
• Tarkio Hy-Vee Manager Rich Harney presented a framed picture of the old Mule Barn in Tarkio to Martin Volker, president of the Mule Barn Theatre Guild. Former Tarkio Hy-Vee Manager Rodger Page took the photo a few years ago. He gave the photo to Harney who had it blown up for framing. Jeff Bruns of Tarkio made the frame from local walnut wood. The picture will be hung in the Walnut Inn in Tarkio.
• New lights were recently added to the Westboro, Missouri, ball park. The Tarkio Valley Jaycees and Westboro Firemen and Lions Club members helped organize the project. Donations helped in the purchase of the new poles, lights, and underground wires.
June 6, 1968
• The Garrett-Strong Science Building at Northwest Missouri State College in Maryville was dedicated last Friday afternoon, May 31. Dr. J. Gordon Strong, who was honored on this occasion, taught chemistry at Tarkio College from 1920 to 1943, at which time he went to the NWMS faculty at Maryville. He retired a few years ago.
• The Rough and Ready Riders Saddle Club held their 3rd annual Trail Ride and Breakfast Sunday, June 2. The riders left the Tarkio arena at 7:30 and rode to the Harry Meier farm northwest of town, where breakfast was served to 35 people.
June 11, 1943
• A couple of drunks were the guests of the city in the local bastille Tuesday. It was decided by the constabulary that it would look a little better for them to “sleep it off” in the jail instead of the place they had selected – the sidewalk on Main Street.
• The Farmer City Farmerettes met May 27 at the home of Betty Tiemann. Ten members and one visitor were present. Mrs. Charles Broermann gave information about the health yard stick and all members are to keep up their health yard stick. The remainder of the afternoon was spent on 4-H club sewing.