June 17, 1993
• Aaron Defenbaugh and Don Harvill were pictured working the cement being poured for the new parking lot located on the north side of Tarkio High School.
• Hard rains along with heavy winds and occasional traces of hail hit the Tarkio area Sunday evening, June 13. Water is now standing on the Tarkio Golf Course following the storm. Rain amounts around Tarkio ranged from 3 to 5 inches.
• Beginning July 1, Tarkio and Atchison County residents whose trash is being hauled to the District I regional Landfill and Recycling center in Maryville, Missouri, will be required to follow several recycling guidelines and to separate the trash in the following categories: plastic, aluminum, and garbage.
June 13, 1968
• Plans for the new theatre at the Mule Barn is underway. A museum for the historical society and a restaurant are in the future plans for the barn. The Mule Barn will see its first production this week when the Covenant Players, a national repertory drama group, will give performances.
• Dale E. Livengood of Burlington Junction has purchased the Kenagy Tax Consultant Firm from Merlin Kenagy. He plans to continue the business in the same location. He and his family will move to Tarkio this summer.
June 18, 1943
• Fifty-four patriotic citizens of Atchison County have already responded to the call of the Red Cross for volunteers to give blood for use in treating wounded Americans in fighting areas: 11 from Tarkio, 4 from Westboro, 3 from Fairfax, 28 from Rock Port, 8 from Phelps City, and 1 from Watson. A caravan of donors from the county will travel to St. Joseph July 8 to give their pints of blood at the Red Cross mobile unit at the Chamber of Commerce building.
• Alfred Sloey, Jr., is in Hollywood, California, singing in the Wakely trio for Columbia Studios. He will appear in a series of eight pictures of western type, the first being in production now. Mr. Sloey studied voice at Tarkio College and is singing tenor parts at present and playing the bass fiddle.
“Extra! Extra!” A blast from Tarkio’s past
June 12, 2018