Submitted By Dean Sparks

The sixteenth annual Tarkio Rotary Golf Tour­nament was played at the Tarkio Golf Club on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. Fourteen teams and 55 total participants enjoyed the warm, sunny day and friendly competition, as well as a free-will donation lunch provided by the Atchison County Hy-Vee.
The four-person scramble format tournament results are as follows:
Championship Flight
1st place – Colfax Farmers Mutual Team, 56
2nd place – Ed Salmond CPA Team, 58
3rd place – Riley’s Service Team, 60
4th place – Bussard Insurance Team, 61
“A” Flight
1st place – Kay Ro­senbohm Team, 64
2nd place – Atchison County Hy-Vee Team, 65
3rd place – Hoffrogge-Mills-Mills-Sparks Team, 65
4th place – Koch Custom Woodworking Team, 65
5th place – Comfort Counseling Team, 66
“B” Flight
1st place – Roger Li­vengood and Associates Team, 68
2nd place – Morning Sun Seed/Laur Farms Team, 70
3rd place – Peregrine Insurance Team, 72
4th place – Interact Team, 79
5th place – Tarkio Cham­ber of Commerce Team, 88
Ties were broken by comparing scores on randomly selected holes on the scorecards. Engraved trophies, supplied by Midwest Trophies, were award­ed to the top two teams in each flight, and the individuals on those teams received a sleeve of new golf balls, provided by the Tarkio Rotary Club, for their participation.
Hole prizes were awarded to various participants fol­lowing the announcement of the tournament results. Hole prizes and their winners included Jamie Sherley, longest putt on hole number 4; Brett Wennihan, longest putt on hole number 9; Kyra Mills, women’s  longest drive on hole number 2; Kaven Wood, men’s longest drive on hole number 3; Bakul Patel, closest to the pin on hole number 6; and Kaven Wood, closest to the pin on  hole number 8.
Following the awarding of the hole prizes, gift certificates and prizes donated by local businesses and the Tarkio Rotary Club were won by various participants in a random drawing. Unfortunately, no one won the $8,000 hole-in-one contest on hole #8.
The Tarkio Rotary Club thanks everyone who generously donated awards, prizes, sponsorships or their time to participate in this year’s tournament from which the proceeds will be used to support area youth scholarships and activities and community projects of the Tarkio Rotary Club this year.