Gail Heitman, director of Senior Life Solutions at Community Hospital-Fairfax in Fairfax, Missouri, was the guest speaker at the noon meeting of the Tarkio Rotary Club on Tuesday, June 12, 2018. Gail shared with the Rotarians the services provided for senior citizens focusing on emotional and behavioral health issues. New employees and new facilities have enabled the program to expand to include more folks. (Submitted By Anita Sutter)

Gail Heitman, director of Senior Life Solutions at Community Hospital-Fairfax in Fairfax, Missouri, was the guest speaker at the noon meeting of the Tarkio Rotary Club on Tuesday, June 12, 2018. Gail shared with the Rotarians the services provided for senior citizens focusing on emotional and behavioral health issues. New employees and new facilities have enabled the program to expand to include more folks. (Submitted By Anita Sutter)