July 23, 1943
A hail and windstorm which struck in the Westboro neighborhood early Monday morning did considerable damage to both growing crops and farm buildings. Numerous reports have reached the offices of the mutual insurance companies of this damage. The wind struck various farm buildings, in some instances practically destroying them. Corn, in particular, suffered from the heavy fall of hail. The storm’s path was not very wide, but what it lacked in territory was made up in fury of destruction.
July 18, 1968
Ronald and Gary Bennington, Tom Lininger, Dwane Bressler, Dewayne Johnson and David Nielson left July 13 for two weeks of National Guard duty at Camp Ripley, Minnesota. They are members of Company B, 2nd Battalion, 134th Mechanized Infantry Regiment.
Watson Saddle Club attended Play Day at Hamburg on Sunday. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rightsell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Rightsell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Case and family, Mrs. Leo Holmes, Mr. Harvey Hurst and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fischer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. James Jochim and family.
July 22, 1993
Flood relief is here! Now if it would stop raining and let folks get busy fixing what can be fixed and assessing the lesser and getting their lives moving again it would be greatly appreciated. Help for most of the folks in Atchison County has been there when needed or a simple telephone call away. Neighbors helping neighbors, friends helping friends, or a total stranger willing to fill a sand bag or move furniture to a higher ground, trucks, wagons, and a willing back with scoop shovels to save stored grain all were available to those in need. The federal and state help is out there along with legal assistance if needed. The Salvation Army has been set up in Mound City feeding and helping with the needs of those moved out by the flood waters. Ted Harmon and crew joined in last week and set up to feed those moving out of the bottoms and all who were helping.
Old Time Notes Atchison County Mail
July 17, 2018