Submitted by
Kay Gibson
The Watson Quilters met Thursday night with Tammy Oakes, Becky Mortimore, Fran Phillips, Frances Nahkunst, Donna Whelan, Kathy Sloop, Linda Viets, her daughter and granddaughter, Anita Armstrong, Holly Holmes, and Kay Gibson attending. Kathy did a little “sew and tell” and we all worked on the cancer quilt blocks which Holly had cut and bagged. She did the hard part. Some took some home, so we shall see how many we have next week.
The Watson Fire Department will hold its second annual fishing tournament to raise money for the fire department. Keep this date open: it will be Saturday, August 18, beginning at 6 a.m. It is a rod and reel event only. It will cost each person $20 to enter. Prizes will be given to the three biggest fish by weight. You can enter one fish. All fish can be kept by contestants or thrown back in the river. A free will donation fish fry will be that evening at 5 p.m. at the Watson Community Building by the fire department.
Get your electric bill? Yeah, me, too.
I thought daylight savings time was supposed to save us electricity? It didn’t save me any. Hmmm. So where does all this saved electricity go?
I sure hope those guys in Washington, D.C. aren’t getting it. We all know they can’t save anything.
It sure was nice to be inside in the cool though.