Elizabeth Hamilton and Kenneth Melton of Rock Port, Missouri, are pleased to announce the birth of their baby girl, Dakota Ann Melton. Dakota was born at 6:47 p.m. on Saturday, July 21, 2018, at Community Hospital-Fairfax in Fairfax, Missouri. She weighed six pounds and five ounces. Besides her parents, Dakota is welcomed by siblings Jessica Parsons, age 12, Kendan Melton, age 11, Gabriel Struthers, age 11, Braxton Melton, age 10, Airaleas Melton, age 8, and Tristan Struthers, age 7.
Maternal grandparents are Lisa Hamilton and Nick Minino of Rock Port and William Hamilton of Tarkio, Missouri. Paternal grandparent is Dennie Melton of Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Maternal great-grandparent is Harry Hamilton of Rock Port.
Dakota Ann Melton
July 24, 2018