The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The meeting was called to order by Ryan Kingery, Mayor, at 6:35 p.m. Those in attendance were: aldermen – Kristi Duering, Michael Oswald, Beth Graves, and Tabitha Wintz; Mayor Ryan Kingery; Water Superintendent John Brown; City Clerk Kristy McDonald; and Treasurer Danny Kemerling.


The tentative agenda was approved as well as the regular minutes of the June 20, 2018, meeting. The accounts payable were also approved.


The council reviewed the 2017 audit information that was sent from Art White & Associates and all agreed that there were no issues or questions regarding the audit.


There was another discussion regarding fireworks inside city limits. Right now the ordinance states that no fireworks can be discharged inside city limits. At the last meeting there was a motion to change the ordinance to one week before and one week after July 4th until midnight each night. Because there were some concerns from city residents the council revisited the discussion. A motion was made by Kristi Duering to change the ordinance to allow fireworks June 30th-July 7th until 11 p.m. each night with the exception of the 4th being allowed until midnight. Seconded by Tabitha Wintz, the motion passed unanimously. The City Clerk will present the new ordinance at the next meeting.


Staff Reports


Danny Kemerling presented his Treasurer report showing that all accounts are in balance.


Kristy McDonald reported on complaints with properties regarding junk in the yards. Letters will be sent out and owners will have 15 days to comply. If not cleaned up then it will get sent to the city attorney to proceed with fining property owners.


John Brown reported that the new sewer line by the school has been completed. The pump test was started for the city’s fire truck but was not completed due to issues with the truck’s motor. John will be looking into what will need repaired. There are also two lights that need replaced at the fire station. They will be working on that soon.


There is property on 6th Street that has been purchased and the new property owners are looking into putting in a septic system because connecting to a sewer line would be expensive and need frequent upkeep. A motion was made by Kristi Duering to approve the new property owners installing a septic system at their own cost. Seconded by Tabitha Wintz, the motion passed unanimously.


The meeting moved into closed session at 7:30 p.m. for discussion of personnel and personally identifiable information as provided by RSMo 610.021(1,3,13). The council came back to open session at 7:45 p.m.


Tabitha Wintz made a motion to give city employees an 80 cent raise to offset the increased health insurance costs. Seconded by Mike Oswald, the motion passed unanimously. The next meeting is August 15th at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.