The Northwest Technical School team of McKenzie Hines, Madalyn Walker, and Tori Titus recently competed in the SkillsUSA national competition in Louisville, Kentucky.

Photo and Article Submitted By Bing Boettner, RN BSN, Health Science Instructor

SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel.
A team of three, McKenzie Hines (Tarkio), Tori Titus (Northeast Nodaway) and Madalyn Walker, participated in the 55th annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC). They headed to Louisville, Kentucky, June 25-30, 2018. NLSC is a showcase of career and technical education students. More than 16,000 people — including students, teachers and business partners — were expected to participate in the weeklong event.
The team competed in the career pathway showcase under the pathway of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Their topic was GMO’s (genetically engineered organism) vs. non-GMO’s (non-genetically engineered organism). All three students attend the Health Science Technology program at Northwest Technical School being taught by Bing Boettner, RN.
In order to qualify for the Nationals, the team had to win first place at the state level. The state competition was held in Linn State Technical College in Linn, Missouri, in April.
Although the students did not place in the top three, the competition was a great experience in terms of teamwork, friendly competitive spirit and a “champion” attitude as encouraged by the slogan song of the event: “SkillsUSA-Champions at Work”.
Kenzie: “I had a wonderful time at nationals! The experience I had while I was in Kentucky was to be yourself. I would like to thank Bing Boettner and her husband for the amazing experience and my parents and grandparents for their endless support. I am looking forward to next year’s experience.”
Maddy: “I’ve been to nationals for FFA, but going for SkillsUSA was such a different and amazing experience!”
Tori: “I’ve never been to nationals until SkillsUSA. I had an amazing experience in Kentucky and I wish I could do it again.”