Community Hospital Auxiliary members were recently feted at a special luncheon in their honor for their outstanding work in the Auxiliary the past fiscal year, July 1 to June 30. A delicious meal was prepared by the hospital dietary department and hosted by Community Hospital-Fairfax with Robin Johnson in charge. Roger Steinkruger, CEO, welcomed everyone and gave a message of appreciation and a prayer. An interesting program was presented by Jackie Martin, R.N., and Katrina Lock, F.N.P., on the Auxiliary State Project subject, “Strokes.”
Sue Carder was announced and recognized as being chosen by her fellow auxilian members as the recipient of the “Auxilian of the Year – 2018” award. Sue has been a member for several years and has contributed in many ways to the Auxiliary’s successes. She has been a loyal gift shop worker, has stepped in to help with whatever she can, assists with and bakes several items for the two annual bake sales, she assists with the Auxiliary Soup and Chili Supper, is the lead caller for the Auxiliary calling tree, assists with the membership drives, and helps with assembling the craft items for the patient trays monthly. Sue has been devoted to the Auxiliary and is most deserving of this honor. She received a bouquet of flowers and a plaque for this special honor, and will be honored again in the Fairfax Fair parade.