By Janice Taylor
The Community Hospital-Fairfax Auxiliary was treated to a very special Appreciation Luncheon on July 19, 2018. Robin Salfrank, the group’s mentor, had decorated the conference room beautifully with a Tea Party theme. The hospital dietary staff had prepared a delicious lunch that coordinated with the theme. Michelle Oswald made a beautiful cake for each table. The cakes made a delicious centerpiece! Twenty six of the group’s members were present to enjoy the luncheon and meeting that followed.
We were fortunate that Roger Steinkruger, CEO, Robin Salfrank, Administrative Secretary, Katrina Lock, FNP, and Jackie Martin, RN from the hospital could join us. Roger welcomed the Auxiliary and shared appreciative thoughts on behalf of the hospital. Robin presented the Auxiliary’s Slide Show: Our Year In Review. Katrina and Jackie gave us a very informative presentation on Stroke Prevention.
A very important part of this luncheon is when we recognize one of our own to be the Auxilian of the Year. This honor is bestowed upon someone that has worked hard and given generously of their time and talents to promote our endeavors and the hospital. This year we are happy to announce that Sue Carder is our Auxilian of the Year! She was honored with flowers and a plaque and will ride in the Fairfax Fair Parade representing our organization.
Prior to the regular meeting, the Installation of Officers was held. Rose Munsey will be our new President, Merylan Lowrey will serve as Vice-President. Ann Martin will continue as Treasurer, and Jan Taylor will continue as Secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer’s report were given and approved.
The Scholarship Committee announced that we will be giving three $500.00 scholarships this year. Congratulations to our three recipients: Trevor Brown, Chelsea Brake, and Sidney Christmas.
The Auxiliary is still selling chances on our beautiful “Atchison County Star” quilt. You can get the tickets from any member, from the hospital gift shop, or at the Fairfax Fair on Friday night or anytime on Saturday. The winner of the raffle drawing will be announced at the Fairfax Fair on Saturday night.
We now have a credit/debit card machine in the hospital gift shop to make your shopping experience easier. The Auxiliary will not have a regular meeting in August but hope to see you at the Fair! Our next meeting will be on September 20 at 1:30 p.m. in the Hospital Conference Room.