Submitted By Kay Gibson

The Watson Quilters met Thursday night with Linda Viets, Teresa and Jim Hickok, Kathy Sloop, Tammy Oakes, Holly Holmes, Donna Whelan, Francis Nahkunst, Fran Phillips, and Kay Gibson attending. We got all our cancer blocks done, we will start setting them together next week.
The Watson Fire Department will hold its second annual fishing tournament Saturday, August 18. It will begin a 6 a.m. at the Watson boat dock. If you can’t get up that early, come late, they will let you in. The cost is $20 per person and a rod and reel event only. Come on back to the boat dock by 3 p.m. and the fish will be weighed in. Prizes will be given to the three biggest fish by weight. You can only enter one fish, so pick your biggest one, even if it is a carp. The fish can be kept by contestants or released.
At 5 p.m. the Watson Fire Department will have a fish fry, with free-will donations accepted for admittance, at the Watson Community Building. Come one, come all. If you are a fisherman, this is for you. Some nice prizes were given out last year. If you like to eat fish, then just come to the supper.