Submitted by Beth Graves
Welcome EA parents! If your child is in high school and participates in the following sports, you are now an EA Booster member: football, volleyball, cross country, golf, basketball, wrestling, track, baseball and cheerleading.
The EA Boosters do a lot of amazing projects throughout the year to support our athletes. The EA Boosters help purchase sporting equipment, shirts, hats, spirit giveaways, and periodically buy doughnuts and juice for the student bodies. They also provide signs for athletes to display proudly in their yards, and many others. Boosters help with Homecoming, send-offs, athletic banquets, and any other way that is needed for our student athletes.
Your help is needed to keep this program successful. Volunteers are needed to pass out spirit items, put up sponsor signs, and to work fundraisers, to name a few.
Please be sure to join and follow the Facebook page called East Atchison Boosters & More. Updates and announcements about meetings, games, banquets, etc. will be posted there.
This is a great organization that enjoys our athletes and the entertaining evenings they provide to our communities. The athletes and their coaches work hard day in and day out, and the pride they have for their teams is contagious!
Please join us and catch the EA Fever! GO WOLVES!