Submitted by Shauna Farmer

The Rock Port Park Board met Wednesday, July 18, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the Rock Port City Park. Members present were: Shauna Farmer, Lisa Farmer, Greg Young, Tisha Jackson, Tawni Ellis, Sheena Roup, Jill Lager, Katey Kroeger and Devon Sons.


Lisa Farmer called the meeting to order. Jill Lager moved to approve the meeting agenda and Sheena Roup seconded. All votes aye.
Tish Jackson moved to approve the June 26, 2018, meeting minutes. Tish Jackson seconded. All votes aye.
Pool Update
The pool season is running smoothly. A sign will be posted next year regarding the lifeguards’ rights to be able to remove floats and toys from the pool if they are creating an unsafe environment. Hopefully JEO will be able to schedule their visit to review the pool soon.
Park Update
Flags and banners were taken down from the 4th of July.
We will continue to get the word out on pickleball.
The next Park Board meeting will be held August 22, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the City Park. Devon Sons moved to adjourn. Katey Kroeger seconded. All votes aye.