The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, August 15, 2018. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ryan Kingery at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were: aldermen – Kristi Duering, Michael Oswald, Beth Graves, and Tabitha Wintz; Mayor Ryan Kingery; Water Superintendent John Brown; City Clerk Kristy McDonald; City Attorney Taryn Henry; and Alva Stoner, Gene Carder, Sue Carder, April Stoner, Jim Stoner, Larry Roop, Shirley Geib, Kathy Hatelback, and Spencer Wilcher.


The tentative agenda was approved, as well as the regular meeting minutes of June 20, 2018.
Gene Carder, Sue Carder, April Stoner, Jim Stoner, Larry Roop, Shirley Geib, and Kathy Hatelback were present at the meeting to discuss their concerns regarding grain bins being erected inside of city limits. The concern is because of the dust and noise that accompany them. Currently there are no zoning ordinances in city limits. The council discussed speaking with the city attorney about the possibility of establishing zoning in the future or speaking with grain bin owners about different fans that are quieter.


Shirley Geib and Spencer Wilcher were present to voice their concerns regarding properties in town that have weeds, tall grass, and junk in the yards. City Attorney Taryn Henry was present to speak about the legal processes of fining property owners and declaring dangerous buildings. The public forum was then closed and visitors left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.


The board voted to approve the accounts payable.
Property Tax Public Hearing: Bill #2018-04 titled: An ordinance providing for the rate of taxation for general and special purposes within the city of Fairfax, Missouri, for the calendar year 2018 was presented to the council and read by title by Ryan Kingery. The board voted to approve Bill #2018-04. Bill #2018-04 was assigned ordinance #2018-02-1549.


Bill #2018-05: An ordinance to repeal section 203.190 of the code of ordinances of the city of Fairfax, Missouri, relating to the prohibition on use of fireworks in the city of Fairfax with exceptions and enacting in lieu thereof new section 203.190 on the same subject with certain modifications as herein after set forth was read by title by Ryan Kingery.


The board voted to approve Bill #2018-05. Bill #2018-05 was assigned ordinance #2018-03-1550.


Staff Report:

Danny Kemerling was not present, but his treasurer’s report showed that all accounts are in balance.
Kristy McDonald presented the council with a thank you card and check from the Fairfax Ministerial Alliance thanking the city for allowing them to use City Hall for the No Hunger Summer program.
John Brown reported that he has been contacted by a company that is erecting new windmills between Rock Port and Fairfax and they are wanting to get a bid for water. Alva Stoner and John got approval from the council to take lead on any bids and negotiations to sell the water. Brown also reported that he will need to purchase 6-8 traffic cones and also some more cold patch for the streets.


The next meeting is September 19, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.