The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, October 10, 2018, at 6 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Clerk Becky Jones gave the roll call: aldermen Scott Poppa, Mike Klosek, Jr., and Blu Dow were present and Andy Riley was absent. Visitors present were: city employees – Chief Tyson Gibbons, Officer Ad-am Stanton, Street Superintendent Ja-mie Quimby, Park/Animal Control Superintendent Chris Hogue, and building inspector Jesse Payne; and Mike Klosek, Sr. Ashlee Driskell, Ashley Alsup and Brittney Vogler came into the meeting late for the Park Board. Mayor Morehouse called the regular meeting to order. The Mayor asked for approval of the minutes of the September 12 regular meeting as distributed. The minutes were approved.
Scott Poppa’s North Ward position and Andy Riley’s South Ward position will be up for election in 2019. Filings will open December 11, 2018, at 8:00 a.m. and will close January 15, 2019, at 5 p.m.
McCoy will be installing a few windows on the front of the building soon. The board voted to proceed with the windows.
Department Reports
Dow, Fire Department – Nothing to report.
Michael Klosek, City Buildings – KCPL has changed one of the poles at the Community Building. There is one more to be done. The north area needs to be looked at and determine what needs to be done.
Andy Riley, Street Department – The skid steer is in Kansas City getting repairs. It should be done this week. The grapple bucket for the front loader is here and seems to be stronger than the previous one. The new pickup and winter equipment were picked up at Liberty. Joe Machens Ford delivered it to there. The 2006 F150 pickup needs a new flywheel and a decision needs to be made on what to do with it. The cold patch is gone and will not be ordered until next spring. The letters for the building’s name are at the Community Building and look good. Discussion was held on whether to put them up on the East side again, but no decision was made.
Cameras have been installed at the brush pile. The area has also been configured to require people to use only one area to enter and exit. The chair racks will be picked up soon. Shane has been trimming trees along the right-of-ways. The rain has slowed him down, but he will continue as he can. Now that the grapple bucket is here, some damaged and dead trees are going to be removed.
Scott Poppa, Parks Department – Park Board President Ashlee Driskell gave the board information on the crow’s nest bid acceptance. They have been speaking with Tarkio R-I School District about the use and maintenance of the City Ball Field. Friendship Day went very well and the Park Board ended up with a profit of $1,752. Another free movie night will be coming in December. The Park Board is looking for individuals to run the Tarkio Municipal Pool and City Ball Park Concession stand for the 2019 season. Mr. Niles was extended to work until October 18.
Chief Gibbons, Tarkio Police Department – Chief Gibbons gave his report of stops and cases filed. The department along, with the Atchison County Sherriff’s Deputies Lopez and Riley, had a drug bust and arrest in October.
Mayor Timothy More-house – Morehouse gave the board information on the Airport Layout Plan and runway updates. Morehouse also mentioned that the school would be working with the Parks Department on the ball field as mentioned by the Park Board President.
Adam Stanton, Building Inspector – The inspector for the asbestos for the buildings on Main Street came on October 9 and looked at the 3 buildings on Main Street and a house at 4th & College. Mr. Stanton was appointed to Northwest Missouri Regional Coun-cil of Governments Vice Chairman.
Clerk Becky Jones, City Financials – Jones asked if anyone had questions on the October 2018 financials. Jones also informed the board that the employees’ health insurance is going to change. The city’s agent asked if the city would like the group to try to be underwritten. The board consensus is to proceed.
The board voted to pay the outstanding bills. The meeting moved into executive session. Executive session is held pursuant to Chapter 610, RSMo 610.022. (4) for the purpose of hiring firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded. The meeting came out of executive ses-sion. Klosek made a motion to give a 3% raise to all city employees effective December 1, 2018. Poppa seconded the motion. Three ayes voted to accept the motion and the second. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The next regular meeting will be November 14, 2018.