November 19, 1943
No one believed at the start of the season,with the young, green outfit Coach Hinderliter had on hand, that such a thing as an undefeated season was possible. Most of the Jays’ supporters would have settled for four or five games won. Only two of last year’s regulars were back in uniform, Million and Cox and only five lettermen, the others being Long, Rash and Jones. In fact, it was the gloomiest outlook the team has had during Hinderliter’s 7 year regime, from the public’s viewpoint. But the coach and his squad didn’t know that they were a good team and then went ahead and proved how good they were.
November 21, 1968
Missouri’s Motor Vehicle Inspection Law will go into effect January 1, 1968, as Missouri joins 34 other states having this type of law. The new law applies to all motor vehicles and trailers, except trailers registered for a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less and historic motor vehicles. The only qualified examination station in Atchison County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, is Conley Bennington Chevrolet-Buick, Rock Port. Several more stations are expected to qualify in Atchison County, but some are having difficulty in securing the necessary equipment needed for the inspection. Owners of the stations will not be making any money on the examinations. In fact they may lose money as the $2.50 charge for the inspection, of which $.50 goes to the state, will not cover wages for the inspecting employee.
November 18, 1993
Farmers in Greenwood County in southeast Kansas have donated around 150 tons of hay to be distributed to the livestock producers in the Rock Port area. Phil Evans, who runs a data processing business in Eureka and organized the hay raising, commented, “They lost all their cropland, they lost their homes, they lost their pastures, it was just terrible.” Evans noticed the damage during a trip through the region earlier this year. He called the hay raising event “the most moving thing I’ve been involved with in years.” There were 9 semi-trucks and two goosenecks carrying around 150 tons of hay. Residents of Eureka donated money to pay for fuel.