Submitted by Jean Mensen

The Piecemakers Quilt Guild has been busy this fall.

In October we talked about the favorite quilts we have made. We had a program given by Mary Ann Beggs and Diane White about quilting techniques and what quilting is all about. Quilting is about fellowship and laughter (and learning to rip out seams).

Our Christmas quilt was on display at Do It Best Hardware in Rock Port. We voted to buy Christmas items for the care homes in Tarkio with proceeds from quilt raffle ticket sales. Karen and Sara will do the shopping. We are making stockings to put the items in.

We had a scrap bag exchange, and discussed plans on giving a program at the quilt show.

Ruthie, Sharon, Diana, Susan, and Donna H. had quilts for Show and Tell. They are always interesting and unique ideas.

Our November meeting was at 6 p.m. at Community Hospital-Fairfax.

“Beth Barb” opened the meeting and roll call was answered with UFO we have procrastinated on for over three years. Susan is going to be busy getting all hers finished next year.

The secretary’s report was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and will have an update on amount from quilt ticket sales. The Christmas quilt was won by Carol Fansher.

Bev passed around a sign-up sheet for committees for the May meeting with Maryville.

We discussed making lap quilts. We will have a cookie exchange, gift exchange, and star block exchange at the December meeting.

Diana had no Show and Tell item this time! Rosita and Susan had Show and Tell items.

Donna brought fabric cut out to make Christmas stockings. Some of the girls made stockings.

We really enjoyed the quilt show and appreciate all the work everyone put in on this project. We enjoyed the work from the Watson Quilters. We always get good ideas from other quilters. We appreciated they stayed and watched our program and the time with them to discuss different projects. We would all like to have more people get involved in our quilting groups. There is always something new coming into the quilting programs. Visitors are welcome.