The Atchison County Commission did not meet December 25, 2018, due to the Christmas holiday.

The Commission met on Thursday, December 27, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Clerk Taylor reviewed department budget numbers with the commission and discussed final adjustments.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.

The commission did not meet January 1, 2019, due to the New Year’s holiday.

The Commission met January 3, 2019. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

Monthly department reports were reviewed and approved.

Cassie Hasekamp, Community & Environmental Planner, and Steve Houts, Program Assistant, both with the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments, were present to discuss updating the Atchison County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Rhonda Wiley, Emergency Management Director, was also present. Ms. Hasekamp stated that the county’s required match would be $3,033.34 and would be through in-kind work with the development of the plan. Director Wiley stated that there should be no problem meeting the requirement. Three planning meetings will be held within the county for participation from the county, cities, schools, law enforcement, emergency services, and anyone interested in the plan. The rough draft is due by October 1, 2019, and the final plan should be completed by January 1, 2020.

Clerk Taylor presented the 2019 Region H Homeland Security Agreement for review. Director Wiley reviewed the benefits of having the agreement and the emergencies that they have responded to in Atchison County. The commissioners voted to approve the 2019 agreement.

Clerk Taylor presented the petition and request from the Tarkio Special Road District to place a proposition on the April 2 ballot for renewal on their .3500 cent levy. This is a continuation of the present tax levy of $.35 on the $100 valuation. The needed signatures on the petition have been verified. The commissioners voted to place the .3500 cent renewal on the April 2, 2019, ballot. The commissioners then signed the certification.

The Commission met January 8, 2019. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

Clerk Taylor presented the petition and request from the Atchison County Special Road District to place a proposition on the April 2 ballot for renewal on their .3500 cent levy. This is a continuation of the present tax levy of $.35 on the $100 valuation. The needed signatures on the petition have been verified. The commissioners voted to place the .3500 cent renewal on the April 2, 2019, ballot. The commission then signed the certification.

Clerk Taylor presented the 2019 Budget Message to the commission for final review. The final budget hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 10.

The commission prepared for the public hearing relating to the Ameren purchase of the Brickyard Hill Project and will testify before the Public Service Commission on January 14, 2019, at the Velma Houts Building.

Prosecuting Attorney Brett Hurst was present to review a bill for Special PA with the commission.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.