The Rock Port Park Board met Wednesday, December 12, 2018, at Rock Port City Hall. Members present were Lisa Farmer, Jill Lager, Tawni Ellis, Tisha Jackson, Katy Kroeger, Devon Sons, and Gregg Young. Shauna Farmer was absent. Also present were JEO representatives Lucas Billesbach and Andy Pennekamp, Alderman Liaison Todd Stevens, and City Clerk Emily Schulte.
Lisa Farmer called the meeting to order. The meeting agenda was approved.
Also approved were the minutes of the meeting on November 20, 2018, and the November 2018 financials.
Tisha Jackson discussed the Christmas lights at the park. Solar lights were purchased for the walk bridge, part of which were paid for through donations.
Lifeguards for the 2019 pool season were discussed. The pool manager, Kaleigh Farmer, will be invited to the next meeting to go over the 2018 season as well as plan for the upcoming season. Lifeguard applications and advertisements will be prepared at that time as well.
Lucas Billesbach and Andy Pennekamp with JEO Consulting Group presented the board with the completed pool study and report. Discussion was had about JEO’s findings as well as possible solutions to problems the current pool is faced with.
The next meeting will be January 9, 2019.
The meeting was then adjourned.
The Rock Port Park Board met Monday, January 14, 2019, at Rock Port City Hall. Members present were Lisa Farmer, Jill Lager, Shauna Farmer, Tawni Ellis, Tisha Jackson, Sheena Roup, Devon Sons, and Gregg Young. Katy Kroeger was absent. Also present was City Clerk Emily Schulte.
The meeting agenda was approved.
Members voted to approve the December 12, 2018, and the December 2018 financials.
Members also voted to appoint the following Park Board officers: Lisa Farmer, chairman; Jill Lager, vice-chairman; and Shauna Farmer, secretary/treasurer.
An ad stating applications are now being accepted for the 2019 pool season positions of lifeguard, assistant pool manager, and pool manager is to be run. Applications will be due March 1.
It was decided to continue trying to meet the second Wednesday of the month. No meeting will be held in February due to lack of business.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting was then adjourned.