The Tarkio Lions Club is a local service organization which continually helps the community and its citizens. This spring, the organization donated $500 to the Atchison County Flood Relief Fund to help our lo- cal citizens who have been affected by the devastating floodwaters.

More recently, the club also donated $500 to the Tarkio Nutrition Center, $500 to the Tarkio Rodeo Association, and $250 to the Missoula Children’s Theatre. The Nutrition Center

not only serves senior citizens lunch Monday through Friday, but provides a needed entertainment outlet with pool, movies and books, and a meeting location to catch up. The Tarkio Rodeo Association will be hosting its 25th annual Tarkio Rodeo this June 7 and 8 and the weekend is full of entertaining events! The Missoula Children’s Theatre is held each summer and allows lo- cal children to learn the ins and outs of singing and act- ing on stage to some of their favorite stories.