The Atchison County Commission met May 9, 2019. Present were: Presid- ing Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and North District Commissioner Jim Quimby. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission was attending election training at the an- nual Urban Board Confer- ence.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Bills were reviewed and approved.
Road and Bridge Super- visor Adam Meyer contin- ued the discussion with the commission about becoming a member of Sourcewell, a cooperative bidding pro- gram. The commissioners voted to become a member of Sourcewell and approve using Sourcewell as part of the bidding program for the County.
At 10:30 a.m. the Atchi- son County Depository Bid was opened and read. Brock Nuckolls and Stephanie True from Citizens Bank & Trust and Treasurer Debbie True were present. Citizens Bank & Trust of Rock Port submitted the only bid. All specifications and require- ments of the bid were met for a new four-year term. The commissioners vote to accept the bid.
The Commission met May
14, 2019. Present were: Pre- siding Commissioner Cur- tis Livengood, South Dis- trict Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Com- missioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Bills were reviewed and approved.
Citizens Ronda Lingerfelt and Mandy Ottmann visited with the commission about assisting with relaying in- formation related to the flooding. Emergency Man- agement Director Rhonda Wiley and ACDC Director Monica Bailey were also present for the discussion. They originally felt no infor- mation was being posted but
it was discovered that for some reason the posts were not visible on their Face- book Feeds. They both vol- unteered to part of the Long Term Recovery Team and Director Wiley gave them information on the upcom- ing meeting.
Mrs. Lingerfelt inquired about access to their home with Highway 136 being washed out along their drive. Presiding Commis- sioner Livengood contacted MoDOT and said they would have some rock there within a few hours.
The Commission met May
16, 2019. Present were: Pre- siding Commissioner Curtis Livengood and North Dis- trict Commissioner Jim Qui- mby. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission was attending the May board meeting for the Missouri As- sociation of Counties. South District Commissioner Rich- ard Burke was absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Bills were reviewed and approved.
Road and Bridge Super- visor Adam Meyer was in to discuss the purchase of a grapple bucket. He origi- nally planned to look at the purchase through Source- well, but it was listed on the State Bid for the same amount so the commission approved the request to pur- chase using the state bid per MoDOT solicitation for load- ers. The commissioners vot- ed to purchase the grapple bucket from Murphy Tractor using the state bid amount of $14,435.
Collector Diane Liven- good presented a Request for Tax Change in the amount of $368.40 on property owned by Diane Worl, tax account number: 5204-20-000630 for tax years 2017 and 2018. The property was sold by sealed bid to Connie Lewis. The commissioners voted to approve the tax change.
The Commission met May
21, 2019. Present were: Pre- siding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby,
South District Commis- sioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Bills were reviewed and approved.
Road & Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer was in to dis- cuss improvements to Road #223.
Additions and abate- ments to the tax books were approved as follows:
Personal Property – April 2019 – Additions to the tax books: 2018, $10,627.30; 2017, $1,091.03; 2016, $495.58; 2015, $677.85; Abatements from the tax books: 2018, $90.00.
There were no additions or abatements to the real tax books in April 2019.
Collector Diane Livengood was in to request approval of an intergovernmental agree- ment with Tarkio Renewal for property located at 402 College Street in Tarkio. The commissioners voted to approve the agreement as presented.
Collector Livengood then presented the request for tax abatement for the same property. Abatement is ap- proved through the intergov- ernmental agreement so the property can be returned to the tax rolls upon cleanup. The commissioners voted to approve the abatement. All agreements are on file in the Collector’s office.
Brandt Shields, field representative with Sena- tor Blunt’s office, was in to visit with the commission. Commissioner Livengood expressed to Shields that he would like to see Sena- tor Blunt, Senator Hawley, Congressman Graves, Gov- ernor Parson and Missouri Representative sit down to- gether and prepare a plan to lead the way to change the management of the river, and how local officials and citizens can assist.
The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at Rock Port City Hall with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Also present were Ron Deatz, La- von Paukert, and Todd Ste- vens, board members; Su- perintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, and City Clerk Emily Schulte. Visitors were Mike Pierce, James Pierce, Julie Eicke, Carmen Ellison, and Leslie Spurlock.
Carmen Ellison was pres- ent to discuss 4th Street and Highland Avenue. There is a barricade on 4th Street stat- ing the road is closed, how- ever she was not notified beforehand. The road was initially closed for disrepair and residents were com- plaining about through traf- fic making conditions worse.
Ellison was additionally concerned about the large rock used on the roads which is hard on her vehicles. Larg- er rock is being put down to help build a base.
Leslie Spurlock was pres- ent to discuss plans to build a garage as well as the drop line coming in to her home. Superintendent Hale stated that the line is low as Spur- lock had expressed interest in building a garage, so they eliminated a pole and tem- porarily added a different service line into the house, which would be moved once the garage was built. If a ga- rage won’t be built, another pole could be set at the own- er’s expense.
Mike Pierce has concerns regarding his property on Colvin Avenue. When re- surfacing was done a couple years ago, it was stopped be- fore reaching his property. When water runs down his road it then runs directly into his yard and pools up as there’s no place for the wa- ter to drain. Superintendent Hale stated the resurfacing stopped where it did because