The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at Rock Port City Hall with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Also present were Ron Deatz, La- von Paukert, and Todd Ste- vens, board members; Su- perintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, and City Clerk Emily Schulte. Visitors were Mike Pierce, James Pierce, Julie Eicke, Carmen Ellison, and Leslie Spurlock.

Carmen Ellison was pres- ent to discuss 4th Street and Highland Avenue. There is a barricade on 4th Street stat- ing the road is closed, how- ever she was not notified beforehand. The road was initially closed for disrepair and residents were com- plaining about through traf- fic making conditions worse.

Ellison was additionally concerned about the large rock used on the roads which is hard on her vehicles. Larg- er rock is being put down to help build a base.

Leslie Spurlock was pres- ent to discuss plans to build a garage as well as the drop line coming in to her home. Superintendent Hale stated that the line is low as Spur- lock had expressed interest in building a garage, so they eliminated a pole and tem- porarily added a different service line into the house, which would be moved once the garage was built. If a ga- rage won’t be built, another pole could be set at the own- er’s expense.

Mike Pierce has concerns regarding his property on Colvin Avenue. When re- surfacing was done a couple years ago, it was stopped be- fore reaching his property. When water runs down his road it then runs directly into his yard and pools up as there’s no place for the wa- ter to drain. Superintendent Hale stated the resurfacing stopped where it did because

of the drainage issue. Mayor Chamberlain has

been requesting donations for Main Street trash bins. Six bins are pledged by local businesses or organizations. Any remaining costs above the estimated amounts will be covered by the city. Rec- ognition plaques will be purchased by the city and placed on the bins. The al- dermen voted to order the six trash bins and coordinat- ing weather lids.

The mayor thanked the Rock Port Police Depart- ment for locking the gate every evening, per the park board’s request. Both gates are beyond repair, and it was decided to take the gates down. Gate replace- ment will be readdressed in the future if needed.

The merry-go-round at the city park has been found to not meet playground safe- ty standards per MIRMA in- spections. A solution to this issue has yet to be found, so the merry-go-round will be pulled from the playground. Alderman Stevens will con- tact Jeff Arp to discuss pos- sible solutions.

Utility Clerk Terri Mc- Guire provided the board with an updated Employee Policy Manual.

The updated Police Policy Manual was presented by Chief Sherwood. Alderman Stevens asked that the board have until the next meeting to review the manual.

Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood reported 509 calls and incidents for the month of April which resulted in 50 reports and assistance of other agencies seven times.

Chief Sherwood reported alcohol compliance checks were conducted and no local businesses sold. RPPD also assisted in before and after prom festivities.

City Clerk Emily Schulte reported that Kmet Consult- ing informed the city that the HR study should be re- ceived soon. A part-time of- fice assistant was hired for the summer.

Superintendent Trevor Hale reported the two new full-time employees have proven to be a tremendous help, and all departments are staying busy. Current projects include potholes be- ing filled, street sweeping, and park and pool mainte- nance. The pool was recently power washed and painted, and will be filled soon.

There have been a few smaller water leaks. A semi recently took out a pole near Quilters Boutique. It was stabilized that evening and Atchison-Holt Electric helped to reset it the next morning. Don Ingram grad- ed the secondary roads for the first initial pass.

In regards to the bid from Vance Brothers, Superin- tendent Hale would recom- mend removing Water and Warren Street. Water Street is currently in the best con- dition of everything on the list and work is set to take

place on Warren Street in the near future that will likely tear up portions of the street. Hale felt that the overlay streets on the bid should be first priority. As soon as Vance Brothers receives the city’s approval, Rock Port will be added to their schedule. The alder- men voted to approve the adjusted list based on Su- perintendent Hale’s recom- mendations.

Superintendent Hale de- tailed sewer and water is- sues on Warren Street. The courthouse project is wrap- ping up. It was set to power today and will be completed after meters are installed.

Alderwoman Lavon Paukert gave updates re- garding the Tourism Board. There is still confusion as to whether any certain group will be organizing 4th of July festivities at the park. Alderman Stevens said he would talk with the Park Board. Alderwoman Pauke- rt also discussed the drug / tracking dog Tarkio recently purchased. It will be avail- able for our use when need- ed if the dog isn’t already be- ing utilized, and they’re still seeking some financial as- sistance for the dog’s needs. Chief Sherwood plans to sit down with Tarkio’s Chief of Police in the near future to discuss the matter.

Alderman Ron Deatz ex- pressed concern over the four-way stop at Main Street and Hwy. 136. Light-up stop signs were suggested, how- ever Chief Sherwood stated that nothing can be done in that area without contacting MoDOT. Chief Sherwood along with Aldermen Deatz and Stevens will be plac- ing calls to see what can be done.

Alderman Todd Stevens thanked the Rock Port Po- lice Department on behalf of the Rock Port High School senior parents. Their assis- tance with prom was appre- ciated.

The compost site is start- ing to be somewhat of a mess again as well. Resi- dents have been dumping bushes and limbs. The site is for compostable mate- rial only, such as leaves and grass clippings. It was asked to readdress this issue by putting something in the newspaper. If it continues to be misused, it may need to be closed.

Alderman Stevens gave a park board update. The park board has been asked to draft a responsibilities sheet for the pool manager and the assistant manager. They have received mowing bids, and there is a ques- tion asked regarding an age restriction for individuals under 18 years old, with or without using park equip- ment.

The city-wide cleanup will possibly be held the second Saturday in June. The city will check to see if the park is in use for other events that day.