By Georgia Gilley
The TEC Club met Tuesday, June 11, at my home. Twilla Clark and Sharon Smith substituted for us. We were blessed with nice weather, remembering that storm warnings canceled our former meeting. Merylan Lowrey won high score, Norma Bradfield, second high, and Twilla Clark low. Winning low means you get your quarter back. I noticed that Merylan and Norma were partners six of the eight hands played. Hard to beat the experts.
I was hostess and had decided I would try a new recipe I found on the net. It was cake with only three ingredients: a lemon cake mix, four eggs, and a can of lemon pie filling. I figured I could handle that. They ate it, but I wouldn’t fix it again.
Our dessert time began with a celebratory toast for one of our members who had received good news. After that it was stories of continued flood problems, road problems, dog bites, wrecks, etc. until finally some good news of family gatherings changed our mood. And while we were laughing, rain clouds were gathering. “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.”