The Rock Port Board of Aldermen held their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, June 19 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. All members were present.
Following approval of the agenda and minutes, the council heard from Sammantha Giddinge, who was requesting a special event permit for the softball games on the 4th of July. The special permit was approved for both volleyball and softball.
Marty Addington raised concerns about the city discontinuing the program where citizens could buy gravel and or cold patch for their driveway. Marty was unaware of a time when the city didn’t do this for the citizens of Rock Port. Alderman Todd Stevens explained that people were not patient enough, and the complaints were getting longer, so the city suspended the program. Marty asked them to take another look at the program as he felt it was important to the community. The council will revisit the program.
Liz Garst asked for the alley beside their rental house on 3rd Street to be closed. The council will look into the issue.
Jody VanSickle, who is looking to use the old city water plant area as a possible area to park his wrecked vehicles, had discussion about the exact area he would be located and if he would need to fence in the area. No action took place.
Officer Adam Stanton of the Tarkio Police Department brought his K9 to the meeting to introduce him to the council. Rock Port Chief of Police, Shannon Sherwood, requested $800 out of the Rock Port Police Department budget to donate towards a retrieving training tool for the Tarkio K9.
Both the City and Utility financials were approved.
Alderman Tim Taylor asked what the city’s ordinances were on building on Main Street. The example was, if a building was torn down would the front facade have to match the existing building or could it be a metal building? This will be looked into.
The policy book for the Rock Port Police Department was voted on and approve.
Discussion was held on the dog leash laws. Everyone is reminded that if they are out walking their dog it must be on a leash.
Clerk Schulte updated the council on the progress on the HR study that is being done by Kmet. Clerk Schulte informed the council that the payment to the Rural Fire Board was budgeted between $9,000 and $11,000, but due to the recently voted increase of the fire tax, this year’s amount will be $27,000.
The council was presented with a letter of resignation from city attorney Dan Smith. Effective as of June 10, 2019, Dan has resigned his position of city prosecutor and attorney. In the letter Dan recommended the city contact Brett Hurst as a possible replacement.
Kandi Dowdy resigned as custodian at city hall and the green equipment shed.
The council also received a bid for resurfacing of streets and the parking lot at the park. It was tabled to the next meeting.
The council accepted the resignation of Greg Young from the Park Board and Shauna Farmer as the officer of Park Board Secretary/Treasurer.
The council moved to executive session for personnel matters. No action was taken. Following executive session, the council returned to regular session and adjourned.