On June 17, 2019, the Atchison County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call with the Missouri Children’s Division to an address in rural Westboro, Missouri. The call was in reference to a hotline received about the abuse of a minor child in the household by 34-year-old Brandon Shaw. Mr. Shaw verbally confirmed the accusations read by the Children’s Division investigator. Mr. Shaw was taken into custody and placed on a 24-hour investigative hold in the Atchison County Jail. Although the investigation originated with the Atchison County Sheriff’s Office, due to potential conflicts of interest, the case was turned over to the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office for further investigation. Following an interview with the victim on June 18, 2019, the charge of Statutory Sodomy 2nd Degree was filed on Mr. Shaw with a bond of $100,000. The case remains under investigation by the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office.

David A. Baird was appointed as Special Prosecuting Attorney in this case. A counsel status hearing is set for June 27, 2019.