Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) met June 26, 2019. Present were Lori Seymour, Craig Corken, Lydia Hurst, W.C. Farmer, Jeff Meyer (via conference call), Director Monica Bailey, and Carol Clark. 

The meeting was called to order by Lori Seymour. The board members approved the minutes and financials as presented. 

Director’s Report

Financial oversight independent contractor update: three qualifying proposals were received. Interviews will be held in July, with the board to make its final selection at the August 7 meeting.

Wind farm development: EDF expects preliminary (minor) construction of Brickyard Hill to begin this fall, with full construction to commence as soon as possible (late winter/early spring).

Bailey was elected to Missouri Economic Development Council Board of Directors for the next year.

New computers have been installed at the ACDC office.

Old Business

Nonprofit support requests were reviewed. Bailey will be in touch with the applicants.

New Business

The annual meeting is scheduled 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, at the Fairfax School.