By Georgia Gilley

The TEC Club met Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at Aunt Martha’s Bed and Breakfast to play pitch and enjoy a bit of parlor and sidewalk gossip, to borrow a title from a woman columnist of the nineteenth century. Sharon Smith substituted for Deb Johnson. Susan Braams brought a guest, Marie Adams, who also enjoyed the pitch games as she traded places with one player or another. She will be moving to the Atchison County area in the future and we welcome another enthusiastic pitch player to our group. I was the winner of the big money, with Merylan Lowrey winning second place. We held the head table for a long time, but were unseated on the final two games. Martha Shaffer won low.

Merylan Lowrey was hostess and served a delicious strawberry shortcake bar. Everyone was interested in the recipe, but you’ll have to call Merylan for it. I was too busy eating to copy it. In addition she served a bowl of strawberries that you could top the bar with if you were a strawberry fanatic. The coffee pot was troublesome, grinding the beans and not making the coffee, but it was finally shaken into submission.

I have to admit to an error in the last news item. It was Deb Johnson, not Pam Cooper, who was hostess and served the Mississippi mud cake. Sorry, Deb.

With nine people around the table, the chit-chat touched on roof repairs, weather problems, manicures, pedicures, hair cuts, road repairs, car problems, travels, and etc, etc. etc. We left still talking and laughing. What a great game pitch is!