Fairfax Xi Lambda Beta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is making a plea for all Fairfax youth between the ages of birth thru high school to be a part of their portion of the Fairfax Fair this year. We want as many children as possible to help let people realize there are a lot of little sweethearts in rural America’s youth this year at the Fairfax Fair!

The opening ceremonies will begin at 6:15 p.m., Friday, August 9, with participants from grades one through high school meeting at the northeast end of the park, close to the shelter house, to line up and proceed to the stage. This includes Boy and Girl Scouts, God Squad participants and all others along with the American Legion members. This event allows for the youth of that age group to be a special part of the Fairfax Fair and is a great kick-off for the weekend activities. Each receives a gift. For more information concerning the opening ceremonies, call Marilyn Alldredge, 660-686-2495 or 660-744-3146.

The annual Little Mr. & Miss Fairfax contest is for children 4, 5 and 6 years old who are in the Fairfax School District. They will be first on the stage at 6:30 p.m. sharp.

The Baby/Youth Show will follow with all children welcome. This is a great time to show off the youngsters and allow parents, grandparents and the community the opportunity to be proud of our future leaders. Preregistration is preferred, and registration sheets will be available at the Dairy Diner. Last minute registration must be done by 6:10 p.m. that evening at the north side of stage.

The baby show will consist of the following categories: birth to 6 months, 7 to 11 months, 1 year to 23 months, 2 years to 35 months, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, and 6 years.

Following introductions of all the categories, the Little Mr. & Miss Fairfax candidates will be brought back on the stage for the announcement of the winners and coronation of the 2019 Little Mr. and Miss Fairfax. The new royalty will ride in the parade Saturday morning.

Last year’s 2018 Little Mr. & Miss, along with last year’s Miss Fairfax and Jr. Miss Fairfax, will assist with this year’s event on the stage.

Questions concerning the Baby Show or Little Mr. & Miss Fairfax contest may be directed to Marilyn Alldredge, 660-744-3146, or Susan Slaughter, 660-686-2509.