The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) board meeting was held August 12, 2019. Present were: Lori Seymour, Craig Corken, Lydia Hurst, WC Farmer, Jeff Meyer, Bob Alldredge, and Eryn Stepp, board members; Monica Bailey, and Carol Clark.

The minutes were approved as presented.

Farmers State Bank CD #67000762 matured on August 8, 2019, and was renewed for another 9-month term at 1.8%. The financials were approved as presented.


• The Brickyard Hill wind project was terminated by Ameren and EDF in July.  The Outlaw wind project continues to move forward. ACDC continues to be responsive to interest from wind developers.

• Missouri Bicentennial 2021 staff visited Atchison County to discuss options for all to get involved. Local organizations wanting to host bicentennial activities or brand existing events for the bicentennial year may be able to have their project endorsed by Missouri 2021. (

• Youth Beautification Grants are due August 31.

• Several events are scheduled for this fall: Careers on Wheels for freshmen (September 27, rain date October 6), #ShopAC (November 21), and Youth Professionalism Workshop (November 25).


• Nonprofit support requests were reviewed. Because the board anticipates decreased income in the coming months (loss of sales tax dollars due to the flood), they tabled both requests until the October meeting, when the financial outlook for this year will be clearer. Bailey will be in touch with the applicants.

• The annual meeting is currently scheduled for September 11, but may be rescheduled due to speaker availability.

• The Board reviewed the final two candidates for providing regular financial oversight. Board members voted to engage Heather Pemberton, CPA, for these services.

The meeting then adjourned.