Missouri residents with damage from the April 29-July 5 storms and flooding who haven’t yet registered for disaster assistance need to do so before the September 9 deadline.

Find out if you qualify for assistance by registering; only two weeks remain. Let recovery specialists determine your eligibility. Disaster assistance is available from FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration.

After registering with FEMA, most residents are also referred to SBA to apply for a low-interest disaster loan. SBA’s disaster loans are the largest source of long-term federal disaster recovery funds for residents, businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations.

Why haven’t you registered with FEMA? Is it because:

You have insurance and think you are ineligible for FEMA’s help?

You can still register with FEMA. By law, FEMA cannot duplicate the assistance you get from an insurance claim, but it can provide supplemental aid if your insurance falls short in covering your losses.

You don’t know what FEMA can provide?

Register with FEMA by the Monday, September 9, deadline and learn about help that may be available to you.

You’re a renter and not sure if you qualify?

FEMA grants and SBA loans are for renters and homeowners. Both agencies may provide assistance for renters who lost personal property or who were displaced.

Don’t delay. Register today before the September 9 deadline in one of the following ways:

Online at DisasterAssistance.gov

By phone at the disaster assistance helpline: 800-621-FEMA (3362), v/vp/711 or 800-462-7585 (TTY). Lines are open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Follow recovery updates in Missouri on Twitter @MOSEMA_ and @FEMARegion7. Get the latest information at Missouri’s recovery website and FEMA’s disaster webpage.

For information on applying for an SBA loan, call 800-659-2955 or email SBA’s disaster customer service. If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, call text relay at 800-877-8339.