September 1, 1944
The Tarkio Cafe is now open. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are the proprietors of the business, located two doors east of the First National Bank.
Tarkio College opens its 62nd year with the coming of new students to the campus on Tuesday, September 5. During 62 years of continuous service to the citizens of Atchison County and Southwest Iowa, hundreds of young people from the homes of Atchison County have found their way to Tarkio College. Word has just been received at the college office that Tarkio College is one of the institutions in the state of Missouri approved as eligible to train veterans under the G. I. Bill of Rights. Applications for such veterans can be made directly to Tarkio College or through the Veterans Administration, Kansas City.
August 28, 1969
The big question this year is whether or not the 1969-1970 Blue Jays will be able to regain the Conference title from the Tarkio Indians. Will the team react well with the addition of five new linemen and the loss of fullback Dave Kelton? The season promises to be a great one with 20 returning lettermen from last year. They are: seniors – S. Davis, S. Brooks, R. Herron, W. Shandy, R. Meyerkorth, R. Oswald, B. Gaines, T. Graves, J. Cox, G. Chamberlain; juniors – L. Chapple, R. Bunn, J. Copeland, M. Randall, R. Makings, D. Meyerkorth, J. Forbis, G. Amthor; and one sophomore – S. Houts.
This school year, the Rock Port Junior High School makes another major change; they are back with the high school! Yes, they are now back with the big time. The student body is experiencing a “space race.” The conditions are more crowded than ever. Seventh and eighth graders occupy the second floor of the building with the exception of two sixth grade classes.
Stephen Burke Gaines, 30, Watson, and Sharon Lynn Easley, 29, Langdon, were married August 29. Rev. Wayne Hartley, Rock Port Baptist Church, performed the ceremony August 29.
September 1, 1994
A.B. Garrett R. Schomburg graduated from basic training on August 3, 1994, at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is in the technical school at Wichita Falls, Texas. He is crew chief for a B-1 Bomber.
Stacy Sue Ottmann and Roger Dale Bundridge have announced their engagement. A May 6 wedding is planned at the First Lutheran Church in Rock Port, Missouri.