Here is an old picture of Main Street in Watson, Missouri, shared by Scott Holmes.

Family and friends gathered in Watson, Missouri, on Saturday, August 24, to celebrate the town’s sesquicentennial. Watson, named after an engineer on the Burlington Railroad, was laid out in 1869.

The sesquicentennial celebration was a fun-filled event with a horseshoe pitching contest, Watson Quilters quilt show, tug-of-war, egg toss, egg race, bounce house, three-legged race, hula hoop contest, and a Founder’s Day picnic.

(Photos by Scott Holmes Photography)

Jason Sloop throws a horseshoe while Anita Armstrong waits her turn in the Horseshoe Contest.

Donna Whelan and Tabitha Gibson have a few laughs while competing in the hula hoop contest.

Sesquicentennial celebration attendees get started on an “eggcellent” adventure, the egg race.

The children attendees of the sesquicentennial celebration took part in a tug-of-war contest.

Around 100 attended the Founder’s Day picnic at Watson’s Sesquicentennial Celebration.

The sesquicentennial celebration also included a bounce house for the younger generation.

The Watson Quilters displayed their masterpieces in a quilt show held during the celebration.