Many of the children in our community who receive free or reduced-price lunches at school spend long, hungry hours trying to get through the weekends when meals may not be available.
Each child enrolled in Backpack Buddies, the supplemental weekend feeding program of Second Harvest Community Food Bank, receives a breakfast, lunch and snack each weekend during the school year. Second Harvest provides a variety of nutritious foods through Backpack Buddies.
The Backpack Buddies program needs you in order to serve healthy foods to four Fairfax children every weekend during this 2019-2020 school year. It costs $175 to support one child for a full year in the Backpack Buddies program . . . but any size donation is welcome!
Thanks to donations last year, some donations were carried over to this year!
To make a donation, follow these three easy steps:
(1) Make check payable to Second Harvest Community Food Bank
(2) Put ‘Fairfax MO Backpack Buddies’ on the memo line
(3) Mail your donation to: Second Harvest Community Food Bank, 915 Douglas Street, St. Joseph, MO 64505.