By Georgia Gilley
The TEC Club met September 10, 2019, at Martha’s B&B in Fairfax, Missouri, after a month without a pitch game. It was a happy reunion on a gorgeous fall day and it didn’t take long for the shrieks and laughter to begin. Pam Cooper won high and Merylan Lowrey won second high with a 30 point spread between the two. Martha Shaffer had low score.
Martha was hostess and placed two luscious pies on the table, key lime and chocolate. I wanted to try both, but let my better judgment prevail and opted for the chocolate. They were both products from the Schwan delivery truck and everyone agreed they were sumptuous. It brought back memories of the truck coming out in the country and how I always loved to see it coming. Other goodies were being offered for sale for the FFA fundraiser, but they were for a later date delivery.
A man who was working on the Tarkio River bridge was staying at Martha’s and we tried to pry some information out of him when he wandered through the kitchen. He was a pitch player, by the way, but he managed to evade our questions about a completion date. But then we didn’t offer to share our pie with him either.