The Fairfax R-3 Board of Education met in regular session September 19,  2019, in Fairfax, Missouri. Board members present were Mike Lewis, Marshal Oswald, Jon Graves, Sam O’Riley, Chris Smith, Josh Oswald and Doug Miller. Others present were Fairfax R-3 Superintendent Jeremy Burright, Fairfax K-12 Principal Dustin Barnes, and board secretary Karen Burke.

The Optimist Club sent a thank you for allowing the school to be available for the Fairfax Fair.

The board voted to approve the agenda with any additions and deletions as presented.

Financial Report/Monthly Reconciliation

So far, Fairfax R-3 has spent about 16% of its budget. The following will need to be watched: the transportation (19%) and transportation repair (79%); O&M at 19% and O&M supplies at 113%. O&M still has $3,393 in repairs.

5.2.A. Monthly


5.2.A.1 2019-20 Year

5.2.A.2 2018-19 Year

5.2.B. Monthly

Budget Comparison

2018-19 Expenditures: $123,330; 2019-20 Expenditures: $82,465; 2018-19 Revenues: $86,585; 2019-20 Revenues: $80,320

5.2.C. Fund Balance Report: $1,029,316.

The September monthly bills in the amount of $135,565.81 were reviewed and approved for payment.

The lease purchase balance is $54,454.

Superintendent’s Report

In order to maximize the impact of our incredibly generous community, the board will be developing a list of items that will be listed as priorities for giving. These priority items will be communicated on the website and via other media in order to provide information on where gifts from the community can be best utilized. The board will finalize this short list during the October board meeting.

Snow removal bids are being accepted for this year.

The school is accepting fire alarm bids for the system upgrade. This will be a formal bidding process. Ads have been placed in Maryville, St. Joseph, Omaha, and in the Atchison County Mail.

The list of those who shall have access to the lock box at the bank needs to be updated.

The athletic lockers are scheduled to arrive October 16.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Barnes reported on the following general information: September 12 was mid- quarter. The 275 Conference professional development day was September 16 at NWMSU. Whitney Shebaum has trained the new teachers in PLTW. Teachers in K-6 have met in grade level groups to discuss math standards, expectations and instructional curriculum and content. Elementary teachers have been using DIBELS/Really Great Reading and NWEA assessments to formulate reading groups and drive curriculum and instructional discussions. The seventh graders have NWEA Math tested and eighth graders have NWEA Reading tested.

The APR timeline is: September 26 – Preliminary APR data released – secured to school; October 10 – final release of data. Mr. Barnes will have a presentation at the next board meeting.

Fall sports seasons are starting off strong and all teams are doing well. Practice transportation has been working out for the fall.  Mid-October through the first of December may prove a bit of a challenge, but they are working on it. Homecoming is October 11.

The administrator co-op meeting was held August 30. Administrations are both for a continuation of the co-op. It will be discussed with the respective boards at the September board meetings. After that, the group will meet again and work out the details, to include: a combined fight song, uniform needs and rotation schedule, drug testing, budgets, practices and schedules, and athletic physicals.

The board voted to approve the consent agenda.   

New Business: Board Policies – There were numerous mandatory board policy/regulation updates. Board members voted to approve the following policies and regulations: P0370, R1210, P1210, R4411, P1425, P1430, P2200, P2230, P2710, P2742, P3470, P4120, P4411, P4540, and P7210.

The board approved the acceptance of the following gifts: $25 for the playground from Mrs. Gregg Smith in memory of Ted Graves; $4,500 in material donations from EA Boosters; $25,000 from the Dean Curnutt Trust for student curricular materials and programming; and fertilizer and application from Fertilizer Service Company in Fairfax for the football field.

A Memorandum of Understanding with the Sheriff’s Department was reviewed. It describes the capacity in which the school resource officer will partner with Fairfax R-3.

Board members voted to approve the prom location for March 21, 2020, at a total cost of $2,880.

Students attending the God Squad program would like to be transported to the Baptist Church prior to the regular afternoon route. Board members voted to approve the bus services for God Squad to the Baptist Church.

The board discussed and identified a short list of items for discussion with the EA Wolves Co-op Board. Discussion included budgeting, a focus on student satisfaction, condition of facilities, and location of events was held.

The board meeting was then adjourned. The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.