Those helping Orma Meier celebrate her birthday (pictured above, left to right) included Clyde Johnson, Lorie Hall, Phil and Janet Meier, Orma Meier, Janice Taylor, and Shanna Welch.

Orma Meier, formerly of Tarkio, Missouri, recently celebrated her 80th birthday and her dream vacation. Orma has always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty in New York. This year her wish to see it happened. Orma, her children, Phil Meier, Janice Taylor, and Lorie Hall, and other friends all took six days to visit New York City, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Niagara Falls. They were able to see Wall Street, Times Square, Trinity Church, Central Park, Ground Zero, and One World Trade Center. They also saw the White House and toured the Capitol building and the Smithsonian Museum. On her 80th birthday, she and her companions took the Liberty Cruise to see the Statue of Liberty. The ship guide then had the guests all sing “Happy Birthday” to her.