The Fairfax Kiwanis Club has been collecting discarded batteries from cars, trucks, tractors, combines, and lawn mowers to resell to a company for several years.  They in turn have used that money to send youth to various educational forums, provide donations for youth activities, make improvements for Fairfax, etc.

Their next “big haul” of batteries will be soon and they are asking for donations of used batteries to assist them in their fundraising efforts.

Anyone wishing to donate old batteries may drop them off at the collection site behind the City Hall in Fairfax by October 30.  All proceeds received from this project will go toward the designation of another Kiwanis project.

Anyone having questions about the battery project may contact Bob Alldredge, Kiwanis member, at Fairfax Agency, Inc., 660-686-0206 or 660-253-0034.