Residents painted wooden pumpkins that Myrna Brooks had made for them.
Mikayla Makings, Johnny Davis, Doyne Swan, Elaine Schwindt, Winona Cooper and Delvin Bryant shared laughs over a game of UNO.
The months of September and October brought fun, friends and field trips for residents of Pleasant View.
Shannon and Fischer Tharp brought three of their Saint Bernard puppies to visit and shared stories of their experiences raising them and how they find homes for them.
FBLA members came up to play UNO with the residents. There were lots of laughs and they found out how competitive the players can be.
The men went on a field trip to The Fireman’s Museum in Nebraska City. It was interesting to see all the history and fire equipment of yesteryears. On the way back to the facility everyone enjoyed shakes from Dairy Queen and a scenic drive through Waubonsie State Park and the countryside along Highway 275.
September is apple season and residents enjoyed apple crisps, homemade apple butter with warm biscuits, apple snack cakes and baked apples made from the apples that Marvin Herron gave them.
On World Egg Day, the residents watched an egg “dance” and a few days later saw that egg bounce.
Myrna Brooks cut out pumpkins from 2x4s for the residents to paint. The residents enjoyed spending the afternoon painting and decorating their pumpkins.
A few ladies attended the Senior Soup Supper at the Methodist Church. The soup and desserts were delicious with the highlight of the evening being bingo and the great prizes they won.
Residents are looking forward to some country cruising to enjoy the pretty fall foliage.