The Tarkio R-I Board of Education met Wednesday, November 20, 2019, in the Tarkio High School Superintendent’s office. The meeting was called to order by President Jeff Meyer at 7:00 p.m. Board members who were in attendance were: Jamie Barnett, Garrett Wood, Ann Schlueter, Chris Yates, and Sam Hannah. Steve Klute was absent. Others in attendance were Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman, Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood, Tarkio Elementary Principal/Special Education Director Kari Taylor, board secretary Lanette Hogue, Markie Sundermann, Kaitlyn Dunkin, Cindy Rolf, Renee Hull, Deyton Thomson and Rachel Meyer.
The board members voted to approve the consent agenda and district obligations.
CTA Reports – CTA will be hosting a Trivia Night on January 25, 2020. In P.E., the elementary has been working on kicking, throwing, and catching. The wellness committee will be having a Turkey Trot for elementary students on Tuesday, November 26, 2019. The third grade has been working on economics in social studies. The fifth grade has been working on mixtures and solutions in science and are working on persuasive writing in reading. The third grade will perform their annual Thanksgiving program on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The first grade had STEM afternoon in October and created Halloween structures. They also handed out Thankful cornucopias to various teachers and staff. The fourth grade has been working on persuasive text and in social studies they have completed a research project about explorers of the world. The elementary hosted a STEM night on November 13, 2019.
TAC Report – Rachel Meyer presented the happenings of the TAC. Winter sports have all started and are keeping the TAC busy with all of the practices. Martial arts will begin December 2, 2019. Rachel reported that the TAC has 164 members.
Elementary Principal Kari Taylor reported that the elementary has 173 students enrolled preschool through fifth grade. There are four children enrolled in the Early Childhood Special Ed Program at this time. The October attendance rate was 96%. The third and fourth grade celebrated Missouri Day. Parent/teacher conferences were held in October and had a great turn- out. The staff has had two curriculum work days and are working on Unit 1 assessments. Mrs. Taylor had Minute To Win It games on Halloween for the elementary before the class Halloween parties.
As Special Education Director, Kari Taylor reported that Mrs. Sundermann, Mrs. Driskell and herself attended an autism training. They continue to work on interventions and more sensory activities for the children.
High School Principal Carrie Livengood reported there are 174 children enrolled sixth through 12th grades. October attendance was 95.95%. Mrs. Livengood hosted games on Halloween for students and staff. She reported that 59 students had perfect attendance for 1st quarter. Staff is working on assessments during PD time. The juniors hosted a trivia night. A Veterans Day assembly was held November 12, 2019. The FBLA is doing community service projects with the city.
Superintendent Karma Coleman gave a financial report. She presented an ACT report. She believes the school has donors to help with the purchasing of a new scoreboard for the football field. New conference banners will be purchased to hang at the TAC. Midwest Data Center put in new access points at the TAC. She attended a meeting on MSIP 6/APR. She enclosed a newsletter from Opaa! and Tarkio Tech. There was a fingerprint audit with the Missouri State Highway Patrol and she reported that the audit went great.
EA Co-op Report – Chris Yates and Garrett Wood reported on the meeting they had with the Fairfax board members. They have come to an agreement on sharing coaches’ salaries.
Drug Testing Policy – Discussion was held on a possible drug testing policy. It was tabled until next month.
Transportation Contract – Discussion was held on contracting transportation. The administration will meet with Apple Bus Company next week to start the process of contracting transportation.
School Board Training – Mrs. Coleman provided a link for all of the board members to complete the newly required training.
The board voted to hire Mike Clifton as a custodian.
Board members also voted to approve the following substitutes: Jennifer Alvarez, Ashley Grossman, Leslie Ackman, Kaitlyn Grider, and Teresa Burnsides.
The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.