December 8, 1944
• Nathan Hathorn, who has owned the Dotham store for the past several months, sold the stock of merchandise and business Monday to Howard Fulton of Kansas City and Ernest Fries, who have taken charge of the business. The new owners are brothers-in-law.
• Mrs. Bertha Crockett has sold her interest in the farm of her father, the late J.M. Thompson, to her brother, Ivan Thompson, and Mr. Thompson has sold his interest in the Thompson town property to Mrs. Crockett. The land was valued at $100 per acre and there are 141 acres in the tract. It is about 2 1/2 miles northwest of Fairfax.
• The girls’ physical education program, which has been under the supervision of M.P. Kruse, has formed a volleyball team and a pretty good one, too. They played their first game Friday night, December 1, at Craig and the score at the end of the game was Fairfax 43, Craig 30.
December 11, 1969
• With a yield of 187.24 bushels, Steve Bargman won first place in the annual Kiwanis corn yield contest. In addition to a $25.00 cash prize he was awarded a trophy.
• At the town council meeting last Wednesday, Jack Barrett was employed to serve as night marshal and city policeman for Fairfax. He will not only serve as a watchman for the business area, but will supervise the whole town and be authorized to make arrests.
• Gale Seymour placed second in the junior division and Kathy Dearmont placed fourth in the senior division of the “Make It Yourself in Wool” contest held in Bethany. Gale modeled her two-piece outfit of plaid wool consisting of a sleeveless vest and pleated skirt. Kathy showed her one-piece dress of blue bonded wool with front seaming detail.
December 8, 1994
• The 1992 Census of Agriculture shows that the United States had 1,925,300 farms, making it the first census since 1850 with fewer than two million farms.
• The Fairfax merchants are gearing up for the Christmas drawing. They will give away turkeys and hams to the lucky winners this year. Of course, Santa will be on hand to pass out Christmas candy and take last minute wishes from his little folks. Plan on coming to town December 17.