Dear Santa, Hi, I’m Brenna Kingery. I’m 8 years old. I’ve been good this year. This is my wish list.

Brenna’s Wish List: 1. American girl doll that looks like me. 2. LOL Doll, amazing surprise 14 exclusive Dolls inside. 3. hanging chair. 4. Apple Airpods with charging case. 5. iphone 8. 6. Play-doh slime. 7. LOL Dolls. 8. fake glasses. 9. 30 dollars. 10. fit bit


From the Rock Port

Second Grade:

Dear Santa, For my wish list I want A Really Rad Robot. Do you have snow? Sincerely, Jadyn Jakub

Dear Saint Nick, How is it going in the North Pole? Were you really busy this year? How are the elves and Mrs. Claus? I’ve said some bad words this year! But I’ve been really nice to my brother and sister. My wish lisht for this year is a shotgun with bullets, some camo clothing/hunting clothes (snow camo) and a golden lab puppy. Love, Archer Meyerkorth

Dear Santa, On my wish list is Fortnite, $25 cash for V-Bucks, an X-Box 1, a horse, and a dog, special cookies (if you have any left). Thank you Santa! Love, Chord Christians

P.S. Thank you again!

Dear Santa, When were you born? May I have a Boxer puppy, please and thank you. I would also like a lanborgini. How is Rudolph doing?  Love Briar Daugherty

Dear Santa, I only want an orange stuffed fox. If  you  want you can get me some other things. I hope you  have a safe trip this Cristmas. Your friend, Gideon Hogue

P.S. I hope your reindeer are doing okay!

Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are good! I would like a puppet, Treasure X alien, and Lincoln Logs. I hope you have good luck! Sincerely, Jaxson Hale

Dear Santa, How old are you? I am 8 years old. How are the elves, reindeer and Mrs Claus? Have I been good or bad this year? I hope I have been good! Love, Maeve Roup

Dear Santa, Can you please surprise me for Christmas? I would  like an X-Box. I have a few questions for you. How old are you? Why do you live in the north pole? When are you going to see us? Could you bring my dog treats? I hope you get my letter! Sincerely, Kenni Davis

Dear Santa, Have a good Christmas! Can I please have a Nike bag, a hover board, a mug for hot coco, a lava lamp, decorations for my room and some airpods. Have a great Christmas! Sincerely, Paisley Moore

Dear Santa, How good were the cookies last year? On my wish list is a hover board, a camera, Julie’s flower power bedroom, a mustard yellow off shoulder shirt, skinny jeans with 4 buttons, a stuffed animal hedgehog and Awesome Academy. Sincerely, Clara Hays

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 7 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are a hover board and bike and a nerf gun pleas. Be sure to lookon the tabel for the cookies and the milk that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Zeke

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 7 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are a disney Zoom Zoom toy shop play set and a disney Zoom Zoom hamburger shop and a disney Zoom Zoom dounut fatery cald Mickey Dounut. Be sure to look on the living room table for the cookies and milk that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Ryan Sharpless

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 8 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are Pop pop hair surise and LOL. Please and thak u Santa. Be sure to look in the stocking for the letter and a picture that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Madyson Pankau

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 8 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are an air mat for flipping please and a Alexa Dot please and I hope you and Mrs. Claus and the reindeer are having a good life. I love Christmas! Be sure to look on the table for the cookies and the milk that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Avery

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 8 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are a toy car that drives on the walle, 100 dollar bill please. Be sure to look on the fridge for the milk and the cookies that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer!

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 7 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are Nerf mini gun and a snow board and a electric guitar please. Be sure to look on the table for the cookies and milk that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Lincoln Jackson

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 8 years old. This year, I have been naughty and nice. My holiday wishes are for a phone Buzz light year robot, elexa dot, hover board, Ultra Nerf gun, ben lo Omatrix, ben ten rust bucket with all the figures, and more. PS get me a lot of candy in my stoking. Please! Be sure to look on the dining room table for the cookies and milk that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Malachi Davis

Dear Santa, This holiday season, I am 8 years old. This year, I have been nice. My holiday wishes are camera and a car that drives on walls and the ceiling please. I love you and the elfs. have a good live. Be sure to look on the Living room table for the cookies and the candy canes and milk that I’ll leave for you and the reindeer! Love, Jolie


Dear Santa, I want a swimming Barbie that goes in the pool with a mermaid. That’s all I want. I am on the good list. Newt is on the good list, too. Newt wants a doctor set. Sincerely, Rory

Dear Santa, I want a truck. Sincerely, Gary

Dear Santa, I need some clothes. I want a toy kitchen and a mermaid that I can take in the bath. Like Ariel and Eric from The Little Mermaid. I am on the good list. I would like an Elf on the Shelf stuffie and book, too. Sincerely, Bailey

Dear Santa, I want a coal parachute and a coal car. I would also like parachutes for my brothers. I am on the good list. I would like to hug you. Sincerely, Alan

Dear Santa, I have been good and bad. I don’t know why I’m sometimes bad. I try to be good. I want mermaid and Elsa toys and Santa toys. I want a big Barbie house and everything. My sister wants a big Barbie and car. My brother wants a Nerf gun. Sincerely, Haleena

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie and a house. I am on the good list. Sincerely,  McKynna

Dear Santa, I am on the good list. I want a fire truck for Christmas. Sincerely, Matthew

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie, Barbie dream house. I would also like a bike. I have been good this year. Sincerely, Maci

Dear Santa, I want a blue phone and a book. Victor wants you to read a book and play cars with him. I will leave you five cookies. I am on the good list. Sincerely, Giovanni

Dear Santa, I want a great big, semi tractor that I can ride in and a robot Santa. I also want a Santa hat, builder’s boot, construction hat, and boots. Also, I want a Santa outfit, advent calendar, new dark blue cowboy boots, and also a Grinch costume. I have been on the nice list this year. I also want a Christmas tree for my bedroom. Sincerely, Avery

Dear Santa, I want a brown monster truck, a yellow bulldozer, and an orange monster trailer truck. I am on the naughty list because I am. Love, Henry

Dear Santa, I want a new dinosaur. I want a Batman. I’m on the good list. Sincerely, Isaiah

Dear Santa, My daddy wants candy. I want a trash truck and candy. Mom wants bubble gum. I am on the naughty list because Daddy got me there. Sincerely, Jaxon

Dear Santa, I want a doll, a baby bed, a palm tree like Ms. Amy’s, a bike, and an ornament. I have been super good. Jaysa and Mya have been naughty. They have been fighting because of the phone. Sincerely, Gentry