January 5, 1945
• Postmaster Richard Pearce reports that in the year 1944, the local post office broke all records for receipts and that December was far ahead of any other previous month in the history of the local office.
• There’ll be no indefinite wait this year for state license plates as there was last year, for new plates are now on sale at the numerous distribution points throughout the state. The new plates have black figures on a tan background.
• Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davis have bought the Frank McNulty residence property in the northeast part of Fairfax.
January 8, 1970
• Sixteen members attended the first meeting of Sorosis in January, 1970, at the home of Mrs. Mamie Deatz. Mrs. Glenn Stouffer presided. The program concerned homes, past and present, including the pilgrim home, pioneer homes, and the modern home.
• Fairfax Lodge 483 A.F. & A.M. held an open meeting Tuesday night with visitors from Rock Port, Tarkio, and Shenandoah, Iowa, in attendance. Forty were present. New officers were installed, including Harvey Williams as worshipful master to succeed Richard Whittington. N.D. Green was installing master and Everett Deardorff was installing marshall. Williams presented Whittington with a past master’s jewel.
• A $47,000 direct government loan to Fairfax Community Housing, Inc. was closed at Walter Mulvania’s office in Rock Port on Monday, January 5. The loan will finance the construction of five additional apartments and when completed will provide housing for 17 individuals or families at Fair Haven.
January 5, 1995
• Over the Backfence by Nancy Gaines: “Here I am, a week out of major surgery, but my thoughts were with you all last week. I underwent surgery for my gallbladder on both Tuesday and Wednesday… As you all know, our holidays have been hospital oriented with Bob a patient at Fairfax… Bob wanted to give me a gift for Christmas and he did. He told the nurses he wanted to give me something for Christmas and it was for him to walk, so he began practicing. As you know, Bob did not walk without the aid of a walker. When I arrived at the hospital this past Sunday afternoon, the nurse stopped me at the desk and said, “Wait, Bob has a surprise for you.” So I waited while they went to his room. Then lo and behold out his door he came and walked to me down the hall without the aid of a walker. We met in the hall, embraced and cried in each other’s arms. What a gift!”
• The annual Kiwanis-sponsored FFA corn yield contest drew to a successful completion with seven contestants this year. Placing first was Tony Rader with 218.63 bu. yield; second, Derek Davis, 208.08 bu.; and third, Josh Oswald, 194.76 bu.