The Rock Port R-II School Board of Education met December 12, 2019. President Jeremy Davis called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Other members present were Afton Schomburg, Ken Miller, Rich Dewhirst, and Clay Vogler. Members Harold Lawrence and Dan Lucas were absent. Others in attendance were Superintendent Ethan Sickels, Board Secretary Debbie Young, Kerri Acton, Abby Palmer, and Lynn Hunter.
The agenda was adopted and the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2019, were approved. Mr. Sickels reviewed the financial information for the month ending November 2019. The transfer of funds, November final check register, December check register to date, and the activity account checks were approved. During Communications curriculum presentations were given by Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Palmer regarding the district’s elementary and high school music program, and by Mrs. Acton regarding junior high and high school language arts. Mr. Sickels stated the district auditor, Ted Espey, was running late due to a prior commitment and suggested the board continue with the agenda until his arrival for the audit presentation.
It was noted that Mr. Waigand was supervising at the high school basketball game. His report was reviewed in his absence. November attendance in the elementary was 94.27%. Enrollment remains at 183 students in kindergarten through 6th grade. The Energy Bus Rally was held December 2 and recognized students who were driving with purpose (working hard, showing great effort). December’s Energy Bus Principle is “Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy.” Positive energy is positive thoughts and emotions you think, feel, and share with others. The Blue Jay Shop returned for a third consecutive year. Students had an opportunity to shop for family members and experience the true joy of giving this holiday season. Upcoming dates and activities and staff professional development were reviewed.
It was noted that Mr. Parsons was supervising at the junior high basketball tournament. His report was reviewed in his absence. Several upcoming dates and activities were noted. There are 156 students enrolled in grades 7 – 12 with attendance at 95.56% for the year. Winter season is in full swing. Classroom teachers are making the final push to get curriculum covered going into Christmas break.
Clay Vogler left the meeting at this time.
Mr. Sickels presented the monthly program evaluation on district technology. The technology plan was reviewed. The board members will be provided online training to meet the new statutory requirements. Each member will provide documentation of completion to the district. Mr. Sickels reviewed DESE’s new Per Pupil Expenditure Report. He also discussed a meeting he recently attending regarding Apple Bus contract services as well as information regarding courses to be offered when the new Tarkio Tech School begins enrolling students.
Under board reports it was noted Clay Vogler is scheduled to attend the next TABS meeting.
Ted Espey, CPA, entered the meeting at this time. He reviewed the 2018-2019 financial statements and audit report. He reviewed the audit process and the board members were able to ask Mr. Espy questions regarding the district finances and his recommendations. Following the presentation President Davis thanked him for coming, and Mr. Espey left the meeting.
The board then proceeded to address several items of new business. Action was taken to approve the 2018-2019 audit. Action was also taken to accept the resignation of Katey Kroeger as an elementary paraprofessional effective immediately, and to approve the retirement of Marty Farley from her elementary teaching position effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Following a brief discussion of future business items the board moved to executive session for the purpose of student matters and personnel matters. Upon returning to open session the board reported member Clay Vogler had returned to the meeting, and that action was taken in closed session to approve an early graduation request. The meeting was then adjourned.