January 19, 1945
The Bank of Atchison County, Atchison County’s oldest and largest financial institution, will observe its diamond anniversary Saturday, January 20, celebrating 75 years of continuous and successful operation. Starting “from the ground up” in 1870, this bank, at its latest statement, December 30, 1944, showed resources of $2,176,541.00, with deposits of $2,105,418.54, the largest sum any bank in Atchison County has ever had on deposit. In fact, this sum equals, it is believed, the combined deposits at the time when Atchison County had 12 banks – three in Rock Port, three in Tarkio, three in Fairfax, two in Westboro, and one in Watson.
January 15, 1970
L.B Smith, Fairfax, reported to the sheriff’s department January 9 that sometime between December 3 and December 9, approximately 260 gallons of gasoline had been stolen from a barrel near his house.
Wade Collins, Watson, reported that on Christmas day a dark blue or black car stopped and picked up his short haired female pointer valued at $125.
Six teens from Tarkio High School escaped injury by some miracle in an accident Tuesday, January 13.
January 19, 1995
Atchison County Head Start held an open house last Friday, which was attended by 35 well wishers. Their new facility (formerly Betty’s Hilltop) has set up beautifully as an ideal setting for the youngsters to start their educational journey. Currently there are 38 enrolled. The school is staffed by two teachers, one aide, two van drivers, one cook, and a social services director.
Wrestling homecoming was held Friday, January 13. King candidates were Ryan Cook, Mark Evans, Kent Henderson, and Jason Wieneke. Queen candidates included Aimee Chastain, Angela Deatz, and Loralei Hess. Crownbearers were Ashley Pfeil and Redge Herron.