The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Omaha District awarded a $37.4 million construction contract to Weston Solutions of Chester, Pennsylvania, Friday, February 14. Awarding this contract keeps the team on track for closing the final breach on the L-550 levee system before March 1.

This contract is the second final repair contract to be awarded for the Missouri River Left Bank Levee Systems, which will allow the Corps to begin repairing the levee system to its congressionally authorized level in turn restoring the flood risk management benefits provided by the levee system. The contract also utilizes a portion of the recently established $1 billion in contract capacity the Omaha District put in place following the March 2019 flooding.

Closing this breach will reduce the life safety risk to the communities and landowners behind this levee system as the 2020 run-off season nears. However, it is important to note that there is an elevated risk associated with any levee system, including the L-550 levee system, while damages still remain on the levee system. The Omaha District will continue to prioritize repairs on this levee system in an effort to fully restore the levee over the next year.

“The team has been working around the clock to repair the L-550 levee system. Having this contract in place will allow the team to continue these efforts moving forward, as we understand how important these Missouri River levee systems are to the local communities and the nation as a whole,” said Rachel Shrader, the USACE Project Manager for the L-550 Levee Repair Project.

Missouri River Levee System L-536 is the next levee system in line to have a final repair contract in place, with the contracting process already underway.

There are more than 500 miles of levees on the Missouri, Platte and Elkhorn rivers and tributaries that experienced significant flood damage since March 2019. Due to the magnitude of damage along these levees, repair of the levee system efforts will take an extended period of time to complete.

Omaha District’s focus remains on ensuring the safety of citizens and communicating the conditions on the river systems to all of our partners and stakeholders. The Corps continues to provide flood fight assistance to state, local and tribal government agencies.

For regular updates on the repair efforts to flood control structures in the Missouri River Basin, visit the Omaha District’s System Restoration web page at: