February 8, 1946

• Dr. Oliver P. Templeton, veteran Atchison County physician and druggist, died February 2. The passing of Dr. Templeton removes a unique character from the business life of the community. Ninety-one years old last Christmas day, he had been in fairly good health and active in the operation of his drug store up until a short time before his last illness. He was a son of some of the earliest settlers of Atchison County, being born to James M. and Susan Elizabeth Templeton in a two-room log cabin in the village of Linden on December 25, 1854. After living and working in Nishnabotna, Langdon, Phelps City, and Rock Port, he moved to and lived in Fairfax continuously since he and his wife purchased a drug store there April 13, 1910. In his early days of practice, at one time for a period of six weeks, he made all of his calls by boat and on foot because of floods. He officiated at hundreds of births and under his skillful and careful care only lost one mother during the ordeal, and she from a cause other than childbirth.

• A deal was made the first of the week whereby James Noe, recently returned from overseas army service, is to become owner of the Kelley Hardware as soon as an invoice of the stock is made. Everett Kelley, who for years has been connected with the plumbing, heating, and tinning trade in Fairfax, established the hardware store five years ago last August and has enjoyed a good business.

• Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Seymour celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary Sunday, and also Mrs. Seymour’s birthday. A basket dinner was served at noon.

February 11, 1971

• The Welcome Wagon, a community service project sponsored by the Friendly Neighbors in cooperation with the Community Club, made 33 visits to new families in the area during 1970.

• John Ball and Becky Slemons were crowned Fairfax Basketball Homecoming King and Queen at Friday night’s homecoming game with Tarkio.

February 8, 1996

• Miss Vanessa Owen, 6-year-old daughter of Elizabeth Owen, Rock Port, was glad to have a cuddly bear to hold when she awakened from her tonsillectomy recently at Community Hospital, Fairfax. The toy was a gift from Rene Smith and her Kiddie Campus Day Care children where Vanessa attends. Kiddie Campus and Rene Smith have donated many animals to the hospital over the years so that every child admitted as a patient receives one.

• New officers for Community Hospital Auxiliary were installed at the January meeting, held in the hospital’s conference room. Officers are: Pat Hawkins, president; Mary Ann Beggs, treasurer; Adah Pyeatt, president-elect; and Marie Emrick, secretary. Proceeds from the auxiliary’s upcoming soup and pie supper will be used to purchase another electronic blood pressure monitor for the hospital.

• Twenty-one Kiwanis members met Tuesday, January 30, at the Christian Church. Maryalice Staples and Roger Pennel presented the program. It was to explain the tutoring program the Optimist Club is conducting on Wednesday each week.